
Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Alchemist of the Fifth Dimension

There is an ideal place in everyone’s mind where everything seems perfect, the presence of the perfect situation or circumstance, the companionship of the perfect person or people present, and the perfect timing to make everything and anything happen! In Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension the coordination of such events did occur. Sometimes for longer than a single moment of a day and at other times for the duration of days, weeks, and even months! If things are perfect for you now, you have yourself to thank for your current state of mind in the present moment of NOW! Everything and everyone upon Mother Earth is now in a state of transformation as these are the Days of Transcendence! The Days of Transcendence began for us all on October 4, 2016 and will endure on Earth until she completes the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017. For the Souls now prepared with the alignment of his or her Seven Member Chakra System within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, you will be discovering the many facets of your own unique individuality within the Universe by way of transcending from the conditions of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension to the new conditions of her Fifth Dimension and transcending our current human conditioning! While in the process of transcending our current human conditioning, you will also be revealing your unique gifts and talents to overcome every adversarial condition you will ever encounter as an Alchemist of the Fifth Dimension!

Your Alchemy in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will not be realized through the Creation of something out of nothing or entail in the medieval concept of transforming mercury into gold, but will involve the transmutation of your Love into material properties. Once you realize you are transcending our current human conditioning, many more things and events will appear towards the realization of the ideal place in your mind, the place of your Heart and Soul! Many however, will be finding that his or her conceptualized ideal place cannot be realized in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Not because he or she does not have “enough” Love for the realization of his or her ideal place but because his or her ideals are in direct conflict with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! There are Three Conditions of Love to be maintained in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – Love IS ALL THINGS, Love never judges, and Love never obstructs Freewill! When we are conceiving our ideal place through the past conditioning of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, we are perceiving our New Reality and New Horizon in the Fifth Dimension through the hindsight of our past. Everything and everyone on Earth is in a state of transformation, dear Ones, most Souls will be transferring his or her current concepts of reality into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017 and will have much to learn and much to undo about what is real and what is Real! But not one of these aspiring initiates will be a Lightworker Soul!

Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension after March 27, 2017 will be premised upon the maintenance of the Universe’s Three Conditions of Love at all times – Love IS ALL THINGS, Love never judges, and Love never obstructs Freewill! Beginning on November 7, 2016 there will be a new decree for all Souls on Earth to uphold – the decree for all Souls to Activate in Unity with God! Many Souls will still be in a state of confusion as the past conditioning of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension has caused them to rearrange his or her Soul’s priorities from his or her Heart and Soul to his or her body and brain! The few Souls now prepared with the alignment of his or her Seven Member Chakra System with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be aligning to become the Alchemists of the Fifth Dimension! Creating with Love, as every Alchemist of the Fifth Dimension will do, directly involves one to uphold and incorporate the Universe’s Three Conditions of Love at all times! The Three Conditions of Love will present a challenge for even the best of us, dear Ones, as every Soul aspiring to initiate him or herself as an Alchemist of the Fifth Dimension will need to release his or her “shackles” of the past and move forward into the New Paradigm Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! There are four primary steps every Soul will need for processing Change and developing his or her skillset as an Alchemist of the Fifth Dimension and comply with the Universe’s decree to Activate in Unity with God.

Although there will still be many Souls present upon Mother Earth when she completes the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017, not every Soul present will have achieved the status of an Alchemist of the Fifth Dimension! It will only be the true Lightworker Souls, dear Ones, who will be realizing him or herself in the possession of the skillset and acumen to uphold and incorporate the Universe’s Three Conditions of Love at all times! As for the many aspiring Initiate Lightworker Souls, the many Man of Light Souls present on Earth to participate in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, they will be discovering many challenges in realizing his or her ideal place without the knowledge that everything in existence in the Universe is Love formed through material properties, Love never judges, and Love never obstructs or interferes with Freewill! The intrusion of the many antiquated concepts and perceptions caused by previous conditioning in the Fourth Dimension, a realm of existence that no longer exists except in our memory banks, will bring many of the aspiring Initiate Lightworker Souls to become aware that everything they know is changing! In the process of taking one step forward and two steps back, Man of Light will finally move to initiate the four primary steps involved in processing the Change needed for developing his or her skillset as an Alchemist of the Fifth Dimension and the Universe’s decree to Activate in Unity with God.

Change is the manifestation of Time evolving through the movement of the Soul to achieve the outcome of a process of one’s internal growth! Change does not always produce a comfortable outcome as Change is always imminent whenever we are given an opportunity for self growth or have achieved a stage of growth in our Soul’s progress! In the case of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, it is Mother Earth herself who has achieved a stage of growth in her evolution as a Creator Planet of the Universe! Every Soul upon her body will have only one choice to make in the pending days of her Fifth Dimension Transition, to either be a participant of her Fifth Dimension or not be a participant! The four primary steps of internal processing every Soul will need to achieve by the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017 will be 1) to decide if he or she will be a participant in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, 2) decide what is in his or her power to control or cannot control to manifest his or her decision, 3) decide what he or she can do to adapt with what he or she can control or cannot control, and 4) implement what he or she has decided to be the best way to manifest his or her decision as a participant of the Fifth Dimension or not! All Lightworker Souls are already in the process of becoming an Alchemist of the Fifth Dimension and complying with the Universe’s decree to Activate in Unity with God. But it is the evolving population of Man of Light Souls on Earth who will realize if his or her ideal place is either here on Earth or elsewhere in the Universe!