
Showing posts with label Harmony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harmony. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Catalyst

There is a saying that states, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” Meaning that despite the appearance of change, real change does not become entrenched into the social structure long enough to produce longevity and endurance, but for only a generational time span at best. The historical validity of this saying can be verified throughout history and seems to be revealing a historical Truth from what we know about the ways things work. When the second week of April 2014 arrives, dear Ones, you will becoming more aware that many unexplainable news related events are occurring. The difference between past events and these “new events” however is that there will be a new set of standards operating to allow the Eternal Energy of the Universe to facilitate the entry of the World of Light, Love, and Harmony upon Mother Earth!

The Universe – the World of Light, Love, and Harmony is a place of Eternal Growth and Eternal Expansion. In our immediate stage of the process, Mother Earth and the entire Milky Way Galaxy will be Unifying into the domain of the Universe for the next three years. The last stage of the Unification Process upon Earth occurred on December 16, 2013 when Man of Destiny Souls assumed the evolutionary responsibility to evolve into a Being of Light and Love to become Caretakers of Mother Earth. The only way that this responsibility will ever occur for Man of Destiny Souls will be to choose to learn the Ways of the Universe, and it will not be an easy task to achieve. Given the credibility that “the more things change, the more they stay the same,” the more Man of Destiny’s standard response will be from fear, doubt and skepticism. This is not for you to worry about, dear Ones, but only for you to become aware with what will be happening around you!

Change is a process of Growth and Expansion and is a byproduct of the Universal Dynamics of Light, Love, and Harmony. Mother Earth’s current stage of Growth and Expansion with the Universe will no longer support opposition or resistance to the Change and Transformation that will come. At this stage it will be the collective whole of inexperienced Man of Destiny Souls who will be resisting the Universe’s Eternal qualities of Change, for Man of Destiny’s resistance and opposition is from inexperience with a place where All Things Eternally Grow and Expand with Light, Love, and Harmony! Man of Destiny’s introduction to Creating with Light, Love and Harmony of the Universe will come from you, dear Ones, for all the Legion of Light is currently waiting for is the Voice of God to say, “IT IS TIME TO BEGIN!”

The Catalyst, as this Time will be called, will be seen and felt by Man of Destiny Souls as the Time of Judgment, but this is far from being the Truth! There is no Judgment taking place rather it will be a Time when the Standards of the Universe require the reciprocation of God’s Love in order to contribute as a Co-Creator with the Eternal Growth and Expansion of the Universe with God! This is the only way the Eternal Process of Growth and Expansion of the Universe can ever even occur, with every Soul contributing and spreading Light, Love, and Harmony TOGETHER! You will understand everything when the Time of the Catalyst arrives, dear Ones, for your entire plan is within your Heart and Soul!

When the Energy of The Catalyst arrives on April 16, 2014, dear Ones, and from that date onward, you will no longer be in a place of questioning what you are to do or where you should be! For it will be Time for you and the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light to fasten your seat belts for the long anticipated Liftoff! You can already feel the anticipation and it will not be for much longer. So for now, Be in the place of your Heart and Soul to let your Love flow into your process of Creating with the Universe once more! Change, as you know, is an Eternal process of Growth and Expansion and is a byproduct of the Universal Dynamics of Light, Love, and Harmony with you, so just be yourself!

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Eternal Self

You will begin to see yourself from a new perspective beginning with the Energy of August 1, 2013. It will not be from what the past has dealt you in becoming a survivor of negative experiences, but as one who will be revealing your Eternal Self! The Eternal Self, dear Ones, is one’s Soul in return to its original state of being in the Universe. In the return to your original state, you will be one in the process of Transforming Mother Earth with your Project of Light and Love! Some Lightworker Souls will start slowly and meticulously, not out of fear but out of the lack of participation for those whom the projects will directly involve in the future. Others meanwhile will begin quite rapidly for they are the ones designated as the Leadership within the Legion of Light.

There will be no Projects of Light and Love too small or too big to handle by anyone, for with your Soul’s return to the Eternal Soul state of being upon Earth, it will be like Cinderella fitting into her “glass slipper” or Arthur being the one to lift the “sword from the stone.” Only this will not be make believe or a fairy tale! It will be your recognition and response to who you Truly are in the Universe! For you, dear Ones, have the Spiritual Experience that it takes to assume the leadership in unison it will take to bring forward the Great Transformation upon Mother Earth beginning with the Energy of August 23, 2013!

Though you may feel an urgency to hurry the process along, remember, it is not a race or even a competition, for you will be back into your True Element of the Universe, where there is no competition, no comparison to what others have or are doing, nor even suspicion of someone replacing or taking your place in the Universe! It is all a Sharing and Cooperative state of being, just as you have been communicating and demonstrating all along! And just by remembering who you are, will the “glass slipper” or “sword in the stone” begin to feel natural to you once more!

Your task upon Mother Earth will be much easier as Time moves along and aligns you into the Energy of Creation that will assist you with the process of aligning into your Eternal Self. For Man of Destiny Souls it will begin the process of the Separation of Souls. On August 5, 2013 the Energy will begin to produce an effect that will begin to wobble and stagger all that is not attached or secured to the Fifth Dimension’s requirement of Love in all ways. Here you will begin to see the world of man’s systems fail and not respond to their attempts to repair them. Every attempt to repair their systems will only lead to more calamities and more exposure to the ways that they have held all of mankind in slavery through rules and laws to favor their ways of business. By October 4, 2013 they will be done and so will their control!

There will still be avarice groups remaining after October 4, 2013 but they will not be organized as those of the past two hundred years. They learn slowly but with their leadership gone so will any obstacle in your way, dear Ones, for the Time of the Great Transformation is here! God the Father and Mother of ALL Things is in charge and the only requirements to be met by you will be to align into your Eternal Self with Love, Harmony, and Brotherhood to produce your Joy in Living. By role modeling the highest level of your being though your Eternal Self, you will be one to replicate the Ways of God upon Mother Earth, communicating and demonstrating God’s Presence upon Earth! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

You, Me, and We

At the Heart of ALL Things in the Universe is Harmony – Conscious awareness that everything and every Soul in existence is in Unity with God. Without comprehension or even awareness of Harmony as the foundation of Unity with God, there would be a continued belief that you and me are separate beings from separate regions on Earth. The Truth to the matter, dear Ones, is that we live on One Land, are One Nation and One People upon Mother Earth! Many will be initiated with the concept of Harmony from June 1, 2013 through October 17, 2013, when the Time to integrate Harmony into one’s foundation begins for all Souls, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls, in order to begin Creating with the Universe!

Those who will begin Creating with the Universe will understand and comprehend the concept of Harmony – We ALL live on One Land, are One Nation, and One People in Unity with God and the Universe! As the Process of Creating initiates, so will the increase of Light and Love upon Earth through the core Group of Initiators, predominantly Lightworkers who will be back into their original element of Creating with the Universe! While Light and Love upon Mother Earth continues to increase, so will the elements of Chaos and Confusion upon all lands! Not because Creating with the Soul is an unnatural act or even against the Laws of God, rather it will be the masses unaware how Harmony enhances the Power to Create his or her own Joy in Living with Love!

When the advent of the first week of Creating with the Universe completes on June 8, 2013, the New Moon on that day will signal that the “Project of You, Me, and We” will begin with a core group of Light, who will lead God’s Project to completion! Not one of these Chosen few will be elected to a single political position for they are not warmongers, despots, or even subject to the temptation of man’s ways, for they have all been tested by God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! Mother Earth will also be ready, for she has already initiated her own beginning on May 4, 2013, when she will align her Chakras to contribute her own share into the “Project of You, Me, and We!”

The “Project of You, Me and We” is the project of bringing every Soul into Unity with God and the Universe. Mother Earth’s Energy will be increasing and expanding with the Universe’s ever increasing and expanding Energy of Love and cannot be ignored! Those who already understand will be Creating with the Universe while those who do not will see their lives become even more chaotic and disorganized than ever before! That is, until they learn the Truth that the Universe only functions in Harmony with God and ALL Thing within it! Therefore before their Hearts and Minds filled with Third Dimensional concepts and learning will even progress they must understand that the world of “Me, Myself, and I” is no longer valid in the Fifth Dimension!

It will not be long before the “Project of You, Me, and We” completes on July 18, 2016 but those who will learn to Harmonize with God and the Universe will become Creators! Harmony is the foundation of Unity with God and the Universe, and by simply applying Love in all that you think and do, dear Ones, there will be nothing to fear or intrude in your process of becoming a Co-Creator in Unity with God! Let the Joy of Living bring you Joy and Happiness for the Time and Place to begin the Re-Creation of Mother Earth begins in your Heart!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Harmony with the Universe

Your body, dear Lightworker, is part of the physical Universe and responds to all orders you consciously or unconsciously dictate to it. Your Soul, however, is a part of the Spiritual Universe and connects you into the entire Universe’s vastness and synchronized systems to maintain Harmony throughout its form. In the same way Harmony performs its duty in your Life through your willingness to participate in all that the Spiritual Universe has to offer. It is a choice.

Your emotional state of mind is what demonstrates whether or not you are in line with the Spiritual Universe. If you are not feeling Happy and Joyful with your current state of mind, your emotions will trigger the feeling of need to remedy the condition. But it is up to you to decide what you are going to do about it. Again this is a choice. When you look to your physical Universe to bring you Joy and Happiness, simple remedies like looking for a new job, a new home and locale, and even new friends, will only function as a short term solutions. The long-term solutions are always within you!

The first week of November 2012 will offer everyone, dear Lightworker, the opportunity to bring long term Harmony with the Universe into his or her Life! This time will also serve to offer all Man of Destiny Souls his or her initial opportunity to become a Co-Creator with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! Many will not be prepared much less have the comprehension to immediately begin yet! But Man of Destiny will remedy this Gift from God with Time and effort!

The Energy of the first week of November 2012 will in fact be releasing Creative Potency to bring into manifestation anything you desire in your role as a Co-Creator with God, especially from November 2nd through November 8, 2012. In the process of becoming a Co-Creator with God there will also come the Responsibility to Create with the Intention of Love, letting your Love guide you, in all that you do to bring your Project of Light forward. Some will be very successful in Creating with their Intention of Love while others will still have to work on prior conditioning and issues to expel myths and untruths about who they Truly are!

Fortunately for you, dear Lightworker, you have prior experience and foreknowledge about what is in your Heart and Soul and therefore, you have your Intention of Love to guide you! And as the initial activation of Creating responsibly begins there will be many in wonderment and bewilderment about how and what you are doing! But in Reality, dear Lightworker, you will simply be demonstrating the True meaning of the words “in God’s own image,” as a Co-Creator with God!

Our Sun and solar system are part of the Universe that brings all things into Creation. Everything in the Universe is a whole and a part of the Harmony that keeps it all in synchronicity, balance, and order. Once everyone will not only understand this concept but also become the part of understanding, everything and everyone upon Mother Earth will be living in Harmony with the Universe! Think about that, dear Lightworker, Joy and Happiness will be all around you as now we will be fully merged into the Fifth Dimension! How did that song go? “Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding. No more falsehoods or derisions, golden living dreams of visions. Mystical crystal revelation and the mind’s true liberation, Aquarius! Aquarius!” Welcome Home! Welcome to God’s Universe!