
Showing posts with label Lightworkers May 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lightworkers May 2015. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2015

God Source

The Self is composed of two overlapping states of conscious awareness, the Conscious Self and the Unconscious Self.  The Conscious Self, dear Ones, is you interacting and experiencing your physical environment without the input of any interpretation for any given experience. The experience of your Conscious Self is like raw data collected before analysis and evaluation for a computer program’s assessment. Your Unconscious Self performs the process of interpretation and evaluation of the raw data like a computer program for personal meaning. The Unconscious Self has four distinct “levels” to interpret and evaluate the experience of your interaction with your environment. The four levels of the Unconscious Self are (1) the Emotional Self, (2) the Mental Self, (3) the Intuitive Self, and (4) the Higher Self. The Emotional Self is aligned with your five senses and the Three Primary Chakras used to Create with Love, the Root Chakra, the Throat Chakra, and the Sacral Chakra. These eight sensory perception and awareness centers are aligned together through the Solar Plexus Chakra, the body’s Energy Vortex Center used for emotional evaluation. The Mental Self is aligned for cognitive recognition and evaluation of an experience in your environment. Like the Emotional Self, the Mental Self is also correlated to the five senses, the Three Primary Chakras used to Create with Love, and the Solar Plexus Chakra.

In general, most Souls experience Life through the Conscious Self and the Unconscious Self’s Emotional Self and the Mental Self, as the Intuitive Self and the Higher Self are aligned for use with the five physical senses and all Seven Energy Vortex Centers, or Chakras. When one has not exercised access to the remaining Chakras, the Third Eye Chakra, The Crown Chakra, and the Heart Chakra, one has little use for the Unconscious levels of the Intuitive Self or the Higher Self. This is a condition mostly associated with the lives of Man of Destiny Souls and will at times affect the circumstances of a Lightworker Soul, who has use of all five of the physical body’s senses and all seven Energy Vortex Centers available at all times. The only variable negating the access and implementation of the Intuitive Self and the Higher Self along with full use of all seven Energy Vortex Centers is a state of fear. The Energy Vortex Center assigned to differentiate between a state of fear and Love in one’s state of consciousness is the Solar Plexus Chakra. Fear, dear Ones, will deny all access to one’s Unconscious Self’s Intuitive Self and the Higher Self, as fear withdraws one from a state of Lovingness and stimulates hyperactive symptoms of fright through the body’s adrenal system.  

While a state of fear will stimulate one’s Unconscious Self’s Emotional Self and Mental Self to retrieve one’s previous memories, experiences, and thoughts, Love stimulates the Unconscious Self’s Intuitive Self and Higher Self to access input of knowledge outside of one’s immediate Self, as the Intuitive Self and the Higher Self serve to access and align one directly to God Source! God Source is the Spiritual Presence of God in manifestation! The role of the Intuitive Self’s access to God Source is chiefly designed for issues and circumstances relating to the unified physical body’s and Soul’s thoughts, deeds, and actions whereas the only concern of the Higher Self is to oversee all thoughts, deeds, and actions related to the progress of the Soul. Hence the realms of the Intuitive Self and the Higher Self function as direct communication with God Source much like the distinctive difference between prayer and meditation. Prayer is a request made to God and can be performed even in the most fearful state of mind while meditation is seeking a direct response from God within a state of Lovingness!

Your access to God Source, dear Ones, will Truly increase in scope and depth of perception from May 27, 2015 through June 13, 2015, as you will find your direct access to God Source through your highly developed Unconscious Self leading you in any and all endeavors of your Heart and Soul! This is not a mere coincidence or an accident! You began on this Pathway on February 3, 2015 when you became involved in an intensive period of specialized preparation for your role in Mother Earth’s New Horizon, and it’s finally about to complete! The specialized preparation period was a process to align your Unconscious Self’s Intuitive Self and Higher Self levels for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension with God. You may have been feeling somewhat tired and sluggish at times during this period, and even experienced times of extraordinary deep sleep but this was your Higher Self aligning your Spiritual Purpose with God for your new future! You will find that during the period of May 27 through June 13, 2015, your conscious awareness to matters related to your Soul’s progress dramatically expanding through your comprehension and evaluation skills! By expanding your comprehension and evaluation skills you will proceed into the direction of your Heart and Soul’s Joy of Living more rapidly than previously ever possible in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension!

God Source will be leading you and guiding your direction with the Eternal Truth of God, and granting you the “keys” to Create with the Throne of God, the Foundation of Love. God Source and the “keys” to the Foundation of Love are not at all new to you, but your usage in Mother Earth’s New Horizon will be, dear Ones! The twofold team of God Source and the “keys” to God’s Foundation of Love all began unifying with you on February 7, 2015 when you and all members of the Legion of Light, the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls on Mother Earth, were designated to lead Mother Earth in her Fifth Dimension Transition. Things externally around you may still seem to be moving at a snail’s pace but internally your conscious awareness is growing and expanding at the speed of Light with God! If these recent periods of Activations, Expansions, and Beginnings did not make any sense to your Conscious Self yet, dear Ones, they will by June 15, 2015! For the Energy of June 15, 2015 will begin the Future of Man and Light – the Energy to blend, commingle, and align the advanced Man of Destiny Souls, Man of Light, and all Lightworker Souls through God Source into One unified Force of Oneness to begin the physical transformation of Mother Earth into the Fifth Dimension with God!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Future of Man and Light

In the Eyes of God, the Souls of Man of Destiny and the Lightworker are the same – equivalent in every way of design with corresponding attributes in quality, degree, and magnitude of Light, Love, and Harmony as the Creator Himself/Herself. There are only two slight differences in the two Soul types of Man of Destiny and the Lightworker. The two differences are the environment from which each is Created, raised, and nurtured into Spiritual Wisdom, and the use of individual Freewill. The Lightworker Soul was raised and nurtured in the Universe’s spectrum of distant Star Systems, Galaxies, and Nebula, while Man of Destiny Souls are nurtured within the influence of a Creator Planet and its Solar System, much like Mother Earth fulfills the role within our Solar System. The environmental factor influences the use of Freewill in both Soul types. Lightworker Souls are entirely surrounded by other Lightworker Souls within the entire Universe and God, and are nurtured in a social environment free of competition, comparison, judgment, and fear. Hence the Lightworker Soul’s learning environment teaches one that the individual Freewill procedure is a process of choosing to exclusively evolve into one’s Spiritual Purpose with God.

The learning environment of Man of Destiny Souls is subject to the conditions that a prevailing social structure believes to be the most important factors to sustain and maintain the quality and survival of the population as a whole. In these structures, it is the beliefs and influence of the social structure’s designated leadership or “cultural caretakers” to be the fundamental cultural facilitators who maintain and promote the sustainability of cultural beliefs. The largely elastic and malleable structure of cultural beliefs provides Man of Destiny Souls a limited trajectory, at best, in learning about his or her Spiritual Nature. At times, some Souls evolve into his or her Spiritual Purpose with God, largely depending upon that culture’s emphasis of pursuing one’s possible Spiritual Nature within a subcultural context over a cultural emphasis of fear and survival. The foremost issue in Man of Destiny’s evolutionary process within the Primary Dimensions is the Primary Dimensions’ emphasis – learning to Create with Love! Learning to Create with Love is not an edict to directly move one into one’s Spiritual Purpose with God but a process of learning about one’s self with Love. In the Primary Dimensions, the First through Fourth Dimensions, God is an “observing” participant and is there as an Essence of God’s full Presence Energy! You, dear Ones, are God’s physical and Spiritual representatives in the learning processes of all Man of Destiny Souls throughout the Universe!

In learning to Create with Love, the Freewill of Man of Destiny Souls allows for abnormalities and anomalies to occur in comparison to the environment in which you were raised and nurtured with God’s Eternal Presence. Man of Destiny has Freewill to choose to be with God in pursuit of Love and even the ability to choose to become “a god” to Create what he or she would declare to be his or her love through the use of power and control as an ego-driven Reptilian Soul. On May 15, 2015 a dramatic shift will begin in each and every social structure upon Mother Earth – for the Universe will begin to blend Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration with the Harmony of God! The Harmony of God is the Harmony Vibration Frequency needed to sustain and support the Vibrational Frequency of God’s Presence. By blending the Harmony of God with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration into Oneness, there will be a noticeable difference upon Mother Earth along with the response of all Souls! Though it will be more directly felt and noticed by you than Man of Destiny Souls, dear Ones, a new element in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will be introduced!

The Energy of May 15, 2015 will mark the halfway point between April 15, 2015 and June 14, 2015 in the sequence of all Lightworker Souls to be Sanctified by God for his or her role in and after Mother Earth completes her Transition into the Fifth Dimension of the Universe. Man of Destiny Souls will also be on the threshold of a brand new way to experience the Energy of Mother Earth. This will occur on June 15, 2015 when the Future of Man and Light arrives and ACTIVATES with an enhancement for the experience of Man of Destiny Souls and Lightworker Souls together with God. The biggest enhancement will come in transforming the learning environment of Mother Earth for Man of Destiny by revamping and overhauling the entire social experience of Man and Light! The revamping and overhauling sequence will not be done by one single Man of Destiny Soul, but through the efforts of the entire Legion of Light! The sequence of transforming the entire learning environment will not occur in one night or even in one year, dear Ones, for Man of Destiny Souls will first need to utilize his or her Freewill to participate with you leading the way!

The Harmony of God and Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will be blending and merging together from May 15, 2015 through October 8, 2015. The “blending” affect will serve like an “inoculation” of things to come for Man of Destiny Souls. Those who will respond to the “inoculation” will begin a process for preparing to become a Man of Light Soul – one who is like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe ready to begin the sequence for Unity with God! Man of Destiny’s process will be to evolve into a Man of Light Soul and move out of the Fourth Dimension and into the Fifth Dimension with you and God! There will not be signs posted to herd all Man of Destiny Souls into the direction of the Fifth Dimension but there will be many catastrophic events demonstrating that the Fourth Dimension is collapsing and waning – for the time of learning to Create with Love without one’s Spiritual Purpose with God will be over!   

From October 9, 2015 through March 6, 2016 Man of Destiny Souls still in Mother Earth’s waning Fourth Dimension will be watching and living hell on Earth. The choice will always be open for every single Man of Destiny Soul to transition into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension with you and God Creating a social environment free of competition, comparison, judgment, and fear. On March 7, 2016 the Harmony of God will be permanently blended within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, thus introducing a new experience of being in the Presence of God upon Mother Earth for you, dear Ones, and every single Man of Light Soul. By then the Man of Destiny Souls who have chosen to disregard and ignore the call to transition into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension with you and God, will be ignored and unnoticed for that is what will happen to all Souls who declare his or her love is best used for the power and control of the masses. And this will be the Future of Man and Light – in Oneness and in Unity with God in the Fifth Dimension upon Mother Earth!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Heart’s Expression

Of the body’s Seven Energy Vortex Centers, better known as the Seven Member Chakra System, the Heart’s Expression, or Heart Chakra, epitomizes the Soul’s highest manifestation of Love. The Primary Chakras, the Root Chakra, the Throat Chakra and the Sacral Chakra, serve as the basis for Creating with Love in each unique and individual Soul. The principal purpose of the Primary Chakras is (1) to express one’s I AM Principle, or the Soul’s expression of existential individuality (Root Chakra), (2) proclaim what one claims to be one’s I AM Principle (Throat Chakra), and (3) to Create the claim of one’s I AM Principle into its physical counterpart through the function of the Sacral Chakra. All Souls have the ability to Create with Love. The essential reason most Souls greatly depend upon the Primary Chakras and are slow to progress with complete implementation of the body’s Seven Energy Vortex Centers is unfamiliarity and the Fourth Dimension’s lack of demand to move beyond the world of the body’s five senses of tasting, smelling, hearing, seeing, and touching and the usage of the Primary Chakras.

Moving beyond usage of the body’s five senses and the Primary Chakras is not an issue for you, dear Ones, but for Man of Destiny Souls. As you can attest and confirm with your own intuitive abilities, when you fully integrate your body’s Seven Energy Vortex Centers with your five senses you do not lose the use of your body’s five senses. Instead you are complementing your five senses with your Seven Energy Vortex Centers and thus possess 12 perception and awareness Centers to Create with your Love! In our current Transition with Mother Earth’s passage into the Fifth Dimension, Man of Destiny Souls possess access to utilize all Seven Energy Vortex Centers of his or her body and will come to realize the enhanced potential abilities for Creating with his or her Love. Man of Destiny Souls’ opportunity to enhance his or her access to utilize all Seven Energy Vortex Centers occurred back on November 2, 2014, when the Universe extended the gateway for Man of Destiny Souls to become Man of Light Souls. This opportunity provided all Man of Destiny Souls to become in every way, shape, and form like a Lightworker Soul – a Soul immersed with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe designated to become a Co-Creator with God!

It will be a deterrent for Man of Destiny Souls to remain conditioned to use his or her five senses and only three of the body’s Seven Energy Vortex Centers – for the Harmony Vibration of the Fifth Dimension necessitates full implementation of all the body’s Seven Energy Vortex Centers in conjunction with the five senses! The closest Man of Destiny Souls submits into the largely unseen, unheard, and unfamiliar world beyond the five senses and the Primary Chakras is in the use of his or her emotions. Properly channeled, dear Ones, the emotions lead to the enhancement of one’s abilities of perception, the increase in one’s level of conscious awareness, and provide the momentum for expanding the quality of his or her Joy of Living! The Energy Vortex Center of the emotions is the Solar Plexus Chakra, and is used to assist one in differentiating one’s emotional states between Love and fear. The role of the Solar Plexus Chakra within the Seven Member Chakra System is to align the Primary Chakras with the three remaining Energy Vortex Centers of (1) the Third Eye Chakra, to gain insight from an intuitive and/or visualized perspective, (2) the Crown Chakra, to access understanding and comprehension directly from one’s own Higher Self, and (3) the Heart’s Expression.

The Heart’s Expression serves to manifest and Create a direct corollary of a unified expression of one’s five senses and the Seven Energy Vortex Centers as a whole. Not knowing or having limited experience to know a difference between the use of his or her five senses and the Primary Chakras instead of using all 12 perception and awareness Centers, Man of Destiny Souls will be at disadvantage as the Fifth Dimension momentum of Mother Earth progresses forward! On May 11, 2015 the Energy of God’s Presence will initiate an externalization process to begin a full external manifestation phase. For you, dear Ones, this Time will be a blessing to your entire state of being and circumstances! For Man of Destiny Souls, being conditioned to primarily rely upon the five senses and the Primary Chakras, most Man of Destiny Souls will remain within the confines of his or her Solar Plexus Chakra confused in a state of fear rather than paying homage to the arrival of God’s Love proceeding through God’s Presence Energy! The vast majority of Man of Destiny Souls will remain in confusion through May 21, 2016 when the Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration upon Mother Earth will finally cease to exist! After May 21, 2016, it will be to each individual Man of Destiny Soul to decide whether or not he or she will proceed in Mother Earth’s stages of progress. Your role in the present days, dear Ones, will be to demonstrate, lead, and role model the full usage of your Heart’s Expression for Creating your own Joy of Living!

Your Heart’s Expression will serve to directly demonstrate that GOD’S PRESENCE IS HERE UPON MOTHER EARTH simply by applying your Love with all 12 of your perception and awareness Centers! In conjunction with God’s Presence Energy externally manifesting from May 11, 2015 through February 5, 2018 and the arrival of the New Earth on May 16, 2016, will be the freedom you will feel once again through the releasing of your Heart’s Expression further than you could have ever imagined in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension! What was only a probable in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration will now easily become attainable within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration! The reason being is that the Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration operated at a much “lower” Vibrational Frequency than you were familiar and accustomed to within the Sixth and Seventh Dimensions! God’s Presence external manifestation Energy will begin to apex and expand in intensity from January 16, 2016 through September 23, 2016 and in doing so, so will the vitality and Creative Power of your Heart’s Expression! 

The process for aligning all Seven Energy Vortex Centers and one’s five physical senses begins at the Solar Plexus Chakra. Love within the Solar Plexus Chakra motions the Solar Plexus to proceed in connecting the Primary Chakras and the remaining Energy Vortex Centers of the Third Eye Chakra, the Crown Chakra, and the Heart’s Expression. Fear, on the other hand, prevents the integration process of the Seven Energy Vortex Centers from occurring and hinders any progress into the higher realms of consciousness. Thus, limiting the progress of any Soul, at any level of progress within any Dimension of the Universe! In a State of Lovingness, the emotions principally serve to assist one in distinguishing the difference between one’s states of Joy and Happiness from one’s displeasures. Maintained properly with Love, the emotions eventually lead one to progress into his or her own state of perpetual Joy and Happiness through the use of all Seven Energy Vortex Centers in conjunction with one’s five senses. Your Joy and Happiness in the days to come, dear Ones, will in fact become the True demonstration of your Heart’s Expression functioning at full speed in Unity with God!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Love is a Destination

On May 16, 2016 there will be a New Earth rising and a New Horizon available for all Souls to Create with Love. The vast majority of Souls on Earth will not be aware that the New Earth is emerging for every Soul’s Fifth Dimension Experience, even after the Energy of May 16, 2016 has passed. There will not be a major pole shift realigning Earth’s polar regions or a barrage of meteorites bombarding Mother Earth. The Energy of May 16, 2016 will not even be noteworthy or made extraordinary by the landing of alien spacecraft to “correct” the misunderstandings of all human beings on Earth. The evidence that Mother Earth is becoming a Creator Planet for the Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, is being demonstrated through our recent inconsistent and extreme weather patterns. All one will have to do is simply step outside and sample the outdoors from his or her own location for evidence of one’s own version of extreme weather. It’s commonly being referred to as “Climate Change” or “Global Warming.” While governments impose new taxes and argue about the existence of “Climate Change” or “Global Warming” with claims based upon environmental concerns versus the economic interests of industrial giants, Mother Earth’s climatic extremes and inconsistencies will continue in momentum for a little while longer.

The Energy of May 1, 2015 will be demonstrating Mother Earth moving into the last year of her final cycle in becoming a New Earth. She began her final cycle in 1967 and moved into her last Manifestation Phase in 1994. Global Surface Temperature Statistics since 1967, and even more so since 1994, have shown Mother Earth’s incrementally increasing surface temperatures to be rising even more rapid recently. The increase of her surface temperature originates from her interior subsurface, much like a human’s internal process of consciousness internally originates any and all external manifestations. Like you, dear Ones, Mother Earth is an Ensouled Being guided by the Spiritual Energy of the Universal Energies. Unlike in your Life’s experiences, she does not have the social pressures of media, culture, and well meaning “advisors” to incessantly invade and influence her away from her Spiritual Purpose with God –  Mother Earth is the manifestation of her Higher Self. She has Choice in all matters pertaining to her opportunities of growth and evolution much like you do but is steadfast in maintaining her schedule with the Universe. At this point of Time, she is Activating and Aligning herself into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension as a Creator Planet for the Fifth Dimension!

From May 4, 2015 through July 19, 2015 the Universal Energies, with Mother Earth’s role as an evolving Creator Planet, will be presenting you with the guidance for manifesting your Spiritual Destiny as a Co-Creator in Unity with God. The Energy of this stage will correspond step by step with Mother Earth’s Activation and Alignment as a Creator Planet within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Mother Earth’s increasing capabilities will also serve to increase your awareness and perception to discovering your own new Spiritual skills and tools for Creating all your endeavors of Love! Your ungraded Creative Abilities with Love will come rapidly and especially prosper from June 24, 2015 through May 22, 2016 when Mother Earth will begin generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Frequency Field in order to assimilate, blend, and merge her Harmony Vibration as an exact replication of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration! For you, dear Ones, this will be a humungous step towards restoring your Spiritual Powers to the full capacity you have always known, for you know and understand that Love is a Destination within your Heart and Soul!

Man of Destiny Souls during Mother Earth’s sequence of generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will increasingly lose touch with any semblance of his or her reality! They will maneuver like ships tossing and turning directionless in a massive torrential storm at sea! With no sight of the sun or moon to guide his or her movement towards land and without a Spiritual Compass to find the entryway of Mother Earth’s New Horizon in the Fifth Dimension, they will move largely out of fear! In those days to come, the logic of going from one’s habitual reference point A to reference point B will become distorted and irrational. Habitual reference point A will lead to a “new location” arbitrarily called Point C, Point X or even Point Z! There will be no sense of reality for Man of Destiny Souls during Mother Earth’s phase to replace her Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration with her newly generating Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration! Chaos and Confusion will become the norm in the vacuum state of the waning and diminishing Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration world!

Man of Destiny Souls serving as world leaders in these days to come will sound like repugnant schoolyard bullies bragging about their latest schoolyard exploits and fanciful wishes of his or her own hyperbole. In the ears of those aware and perceiving with the Truth of his or her Heart and Soul in the Fifth Dimension like you, dear Ones, they will be seen and heard exactly as they are – mischievous bullying schoolyard children. To those who have not yet adapted into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, they will sound like prophetic “Jesus-like figures” speaking ever so clearly and logically about the “exact” ways and measures needed to save his or her country from a feared enemy or economic ruin! The Way of Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe will be showing you your Way, dear Ones, for your alignment and preparation within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration has already designated you for leadership on February 7, 2015. Man of Destiny Souls will not see the need for your leadership yet, for they will still have much to learn and much to assimilate in order to understand and comprehend that everything in the Universe is evolving! In the days to come, it will be to each and every unique and individual Soul to become like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe exactly like Mother Earth is presently demonstrating!

Love is a Destination within your Heart and Soul, dear Ones! The Destination your Heart and Soul will be leading you towards in the days to come will be Mother Earth’s newly generating Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration from June 24, 2015 through May 22, 2016. In the month of May 2015 the entire field of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will continue to be in a state of flux in levels of magnitude, concentration, and strength. Not entirely because of the “stirring” element caused by Mother Earth’s daily rotation but because of the uneven distribution level of awareness and perception of Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony. Initially it will primarily be Lightworker Souls immersed in the Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration waiting for Man of Destiny Souls to assimilate and merge into the Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, but not for too long as there will not be much Time left. The reality of Earth’s rising surface temperatures exists but not for the reasons that those perpetuating the facts about “Climate Change” or “Global Warming” are claiming. Rather, the increase in Mother Earth’s surface temperatures is evidence of her evolution in becoming a New Earth – a Creator Planet designed to respond in every modality of Light, Love, and Harmony to reproduce every single phase, quality and attribute of the Fifth Dimension!